Small & large projects, all styles of music

Accurate & clear scores

Careful attention to layout & pagination

Reasonable rates

Friendly, prompt service

I can work from your audio (or video) do not need to know how to read/write music

Tracy Jane Comer Services by
Award-winning songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, and engraving specialist.
More about Tracy...

Proudly using Sibelius, the world's leading digital notation software.

LINKS: Here are related links & names of a few past clients, recommended artists & other friends/partners

Tracy's Related Links

Tracy Jane Comer - Official website

Porch String Music

Top Shelf

Common Chord (music group)

Acoustic Alloy

Organizations and Businesses

Chick Singer Night

The largest and longest running female singer showcase in America, with chapters in major cities (Los Angeles, Chicago, Milwaukee, New York, and more).

Paramount Guitars

Exquisite handmade guitars from some of the world's finest luthiers in Europe and in the USA.

Porch String Music

Representing a variety of Wisconsin based acoustic artists.

Spiritone Records

Independent record label representing a variety of Wisconsin artists and groups.